Electromed History
Electromedicine, or the use of electrical modalities to treat physical ailments, is considered one of the oldest and most documented sciences known. Medical professionals of ancient Greece learned that the electrical impulses emitted from electric eels in clinical foot baths relieved pain and produced a favorable influence on the blood circulation. Doctors Largus and Dioscorides (cc 46 AD) documented substantial therapeutic results with electrical currents in circulatory disorders and in the management of pain from neuralgia, headache, and arthritis.
In the 1700s, many European physicians used controlled electrical currents from electrostatic generators almost exclusively for numerous medical problems involving pain, trauma and circulatory disorders. Also during that period, Benjamin Franklin documented pain relief by using electrical currents for conditions such as “frozen shoulder.”
Particle Regeneration is based on a principle embodying an arrangement, or correct order of events, which when applied will lead to re-impressing of the vital living particles that permeate all life and govern and regulate growth or decay. This living particle, discovered in 1864 by Professor Antoine Bechamp, was named the “Microzyma”, meaning little body or small ferment. He found it to be physiologically imperishable. It lives on and returns to the soil it came from when our bodies die. It has the ability to adapt to any circumstance while maintaining its purpose: to enhance and produce life, whether for the host or for itself.
Bechamp stated that the Microzyma was thoroughly impressionable, or the thing living is an organism capable of an impression. He went on to say the cells of the body can be destroyed and die, but the Microzyma, being perpetually alive, only changes. This is because the Microzyma is the vital unit of created life and endowed with the amazing ability to create its own environment for survival. His findings are described fully in his book “Sange” (The Blood).
Professor Bechamp’s theories were verified just over 100 years later by Gaston Naessens, a French scientist in Quebec, Canada. A book written by Chrustofer Bird tells the story about Gaston Naessens work and the development of his powerful microscope. The microscope was able to view and photograph this cycle of particle regeneration and degeneration as postulated by Bechamp in the year of 1864.
By 1910, approximately 50% of all U.S. physicians used electro medicine in their practice daily. Unfortunately for the science, an incorrect and unfair report emerged at this time. This report, produced by powerful special interest groups, discredited the value of both electro medicine and nutrition in medical practice. With fear of condemnation from certain medical institutions that were funded by these special interest groups, almost all American physicians, being politically and financially influenced, abandoned electro medicine and nutrition from their practices. Although nutrition has in recent years re-established itself as a credible medical discipline in the U.S., electromedicine continues to face both the same special interest groups and the widespread prevailing misconceptions about the science.
As a consequence of this occurrence in the United States, most electro medical treatments or electrical stimulation therapies were developed in Europe, accepted by the medical establishment there, and transferred in varying degrees of speed and acceptance to the U.S. Today, hundreds of doctors and medical researchers worldwide are investigating electro medicine as both an effective alternative to traditional methods of treatment and an avenue for discovering new possibilities for treating conditions such as spinal cord injury, muscular restoration, nerve regeneration, brain stimulation, bladder disorders, heart disease, tumors, and other chronic catastrophic diseases and disorders.
There is an order of events is known as the “EON” principle, consisting of three simultaneous factors that “will” a healthy impression of the living particle – the “Microzyma”:
1. Electricity – frequencies of harmonic light and sound.
2. Oxygenation – baths, controlled deep breathing, infusions, oxygenated drinks.
3. Nutrition – mostly fresh food and some natural supplements.
The Photon Biovibe provides the harmonic frequencies that move lymphatic fluids and other fluids of the body. The unique frequencies and electromagnetic energies correct the electrical imbalances in the body and produce positive electrical and energetic imprints to the living organism called the “Microzyma”. It also allows the user to experiment with RIFE frequency technology that is far superior to the pad type devices or limited frequency plasma tube devices previously offered by incorporating external, pre-recorded RIFE frequency sets that are of specific durations. All of the Rife frequency sets we provide are taken from the most current RIFE frequency lists. Just pick the appropriate CD for the health challenge that you are dealing with.
It is now widely accepted and understood that all life is governed by electromagnetic fields that interact precisely with each other. Each of us is a energetic universe unto ourselves. Within that universe lie infinite fields of force that are constantly being influenced, changed, and continually fluctuating. Human beings speak of being impressed or making an impression, little realizing that this is much more than an emotional response. It is a physical and energetic fact.
Our lives are governed by impressions: those we give and those we receive and process, or fail to process properly. When we receive and fail to process out bad, harmful, or negative impressions, our energy field undergoes a change for the worst and detrimental, negative forces are unleashed, undermining the harmony and balance of our body and well-being. If this goes unchecked and uncorrected, or is compounded, disease conditions will ensue.
Professor Bechamp also stated that immunity or susceptibility is the capacity of the living organism to resist a detrimental or negative impression, whether from external or internal causes or agents. It is the influence of the internal or external causes or agents that produce the order of events which produce the physiological impression on the living cells and the life particle, the “Microzyma”.
Since the “Microzyma” are capable of an impression or imprint, they create in our systems either an environment of health, which provides for our well-being and ultimate health, or with improper and negative impressions, a destructive order of events that does not allow the cells to survive, thus causing disease and decay in the body. When the degenerative cycle commences, all manner of illness can ensue ranging from fatigue to cancer.
· Stimulating and strengthening the immune system.
· Reducing and eliminating pain.
· Oxygenating and ozonating the entire body.
· Opening up, moving, and balancing body fluids through all the channels (blood vessels, lymph, capillaries) for the transport of nutrition and vital energy.
· Eliminating blockages and barrier tissues by repolarizing cells and molecules; dissolving lumps, clots, mineral deposits, etc.
· Devitalizing pathogens (mold, yeast, fungus, bacteria, viruses, parasites), and arresting infection.
· Detoxifying the body by moving all the fluids (lymph, blood, etc.).
· Re-establishing the cells’ normal frequency and energy-state.
· Recharging life-force energy.
· Complete Veterinary application; often dramatic, rapid, reliable results with animals and pets.
· Cosmetic uses for facial and skin toning.
· Universal tool for complete photobiotic nutrition, ideally used in conjunction with a full natural-health program.
Electrotherapy Chronology
46AD (Ancient Rome) – Scrihonius Largus describes the use of torpedo fish (aquatic animals capable of electrical discharge) for medical applications. The live black torpedo when applied to the painful area relieves and permanently cures some chronic and intolerable protracted headaches… carries off pain of arthritis… and eases other chronic pains of the body.”
1600 (England) – William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth, published De Magnete, in which he describes the use of electricity in medicine. Gilbert re-discovers that when certain materials are rubbed, they will attract light objects – originally known to be true of Amber by the ancient Greeks. He coins the name ‘electricity’ from the Greek ‘electron’ for amber.
1743 (Germany) – Krueger, a Professor of Medicine, suggests in lectures that electricity might be used in the treatment of paralysis.
1745 (Germany) – Kratzenstein publishes a book on electrotherapy. He details a method of treatment which consists of seating the patient on a wooden stool, electrifying hint by means of a large revolving frictional glass globe and then drawing sparks from him through the affected body parts.
1780 (Italy) – Galvani, Professor of Anatomy at the University of Bologna, first observes the twitching of muscles under the influence of electricity (prepared from the leg of a frog). Galvani then proves that atmospheric electricity, as manifested in lightning, will produce the same effects on muscular movement.
1800 (Italy) – Carlo Matteucci shows that injured tissue generates electric current.
1840 (England) – England’s first electrical therapy department is established at Guy’s Hospital, under Dr. Golding Bird. The electrical discovery of Galvano leads to the use of mechanically pulsed Galvanic currents.
1860 (England) – The start of Faradic Stimulation. Bristow develops the Bristow Coil, using Faraday’s principle of electro-magnetically controlling the voltage of electricity.
1891 (USA) – Nikola Tesla presents a paper in ‘Electrical Engineer’, about the medical application of high frequency currents. He notes that when the body is transversed by alternating currents above a certain frequency, heat is perceived.
1891 (France) – D’Arsonval, in a communication to the Societe de Bioloaie, shows that a high frequency current (greater than l 0,000Hz) can be passed through the body without producing any sensation other than heat. D’Arsonval demonstrates the ability of high frequency currents to modify physiological processes, including: respiratory exchange, dilation of peripheral blood vessels, arterial blood pressure.
1900 (Worldwide) – The electrical discoveries of Galvano, Faraday and Tesla were therapeutically adopted by activating the electrical phenomena of the human body with the use of Galvanic, Sinusoidal and Faradic currents. These become the standard methods of applying Electrical Body Stimulation. There becomes a preference to use the more comfortable and less hazardous Faraday method.
1908 (Germany) – Von Berndt, Von Priess and Von Zeyneck publish a paper on the treatment of joint disease by high frequency currents.
1929 (Russia) – Lakhovsky publishes his book “The Secret of Life”. Conducts studies and concludes that cells possess resistance, capacitance, and inductance and function like tuned resonant circuits, capable of resonating to a resonant frequency when exposed to a range of frequencies.
1930’s (Germany) – Interferential currents are developed. Two alternating, medium frequency sinewave current paths are crossed to give pulsed low frequency modes of electrical stimulation. Interferential currents are much more comfortable than anything else available at the time.
1938 (USA) – Clinics are opened in San Diego, Los Angeles and Pasadena, California. Phenomenal results are reported. A Special Medical Research Committee is organized at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles to oversee and manage Rife’s “energy medicine” research and clinical success with a variety of disease conditions including cancer. The San Diego Evening Tribune reports that Rife’s “energy medicine” has successfully destroyed the microbes associated with cancer and other diseases. The newspaper articles are cautious but optimistic.
1950’s – 1990’s (Russia) – ‘Russian Stimulation’ is developed – 4,000Hz tone bursts, 50% ON, 50% OFF, alternating currents with 50 tone bursts per second. This is used by athletes for building muscle and increasing power.
1970’s (USA) – Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) is acknowledged as a viable method of pain management by America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many American companies begin production of TENS devices. The heart pacemaker is developed.
1970’s (England & Canada) – Melzak and Wall propose the ‘Pain Control Gate’ theory, by which strong afferent nerve stimulation by chemical, mechanical or electrical means overrides painful sensations at hypothetical pain control ‘gates’ in the spinal cord.
1970’s & 80’s (Sweden) – Clinical researchers Ericsson and Sjolund publish a series of articles in various scientific and medical journals. They compare constant, high frequency TENS to bursts of high frequency TENS (termed acupuncture-like TENS), finding that the latter offers better pain relief and does in fact instigate a release of endorphins into the bloodstream.
1981 (USA) – Becker publishes “The Body Electric”. Challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. Finds clues to the healing process in the theory that electricity is vital to life.
1991 (Germany) — Nobel Prize recipients Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann developed a technique that detects electrical currents of a trillionth of an Ampere in the membranes of the cell, establishing the existence of ion channels.
2000 – (USA) — John McDonald of Washington University uses intensive applications of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) to exercise the muscles of a quadriplegic of 8 years. The patient defies medical science by regaining limited sensation and movement in his body. The regimen includes 2 hours of EMS and hydrotherapy weekly.
2007 July – (USA) — After 4 years of development Electromedical Technologies receives FDA approval for the Wellness Pro 2010. This NEW generation Bio-electrotherapy device combines decades of research from the ORIGINAL work of past Electromedical pioneers with new breakthrough technologies in this field. It is also the only unit of its kind on the market to go through the rigorous laboratory tests for safety accuracy and precision, receiving ISO, CE, ETL, UL and IEC marks. The NEW Wellness Pro Breakthrough “Deep Pulse” Technology, the largest frequency range and therapeutic features of this device show astonishing results with patient’s health issues putting this device light years ahead of any other frequency unit on the market. The Future of Bio Electromedicine begins. It is not just another Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation device, it has features that surpass everything else similar on the market. Results will prove this!
We offer the following Electrotherapy Device
Wellness Pro PLUS